When @heyzer8 and I had studied medicine, worked on philosophy, and were already finishing law at @bagsurb.ru, we were dreaming of a third degree. At that time, I was guffawing about going to an art institute. I didn’t want to repeat the path of Faust and study theology. Afterward, I was busy with my doctorate, and when I experienced post-defense apathy a year later, I realised that ‘I was and still am a fool.’
As the years go by, you appreciate time and efficiency more. The world was borderless, and I considered looking at an international master in arts. I wanted something contemporary. Which of the arts would you choose?
Р. Canudo believed that cinema was the newest art form, combining all the ancient disciplines of art: architecture, sculpture, painting, music, and poetry (you can add theatre and dance). But what if all at once? I started looking for my Master of Fine Arts in Filmmaking.
An Akira Kurosawa film school in California is very close to Hollywood. The team at @anaheimu has collected the legacy of the great humanist filmmaker, from whom many modern directors have taken an example, weaving his techniques and ideas into films from The Magnificent Seven to Star Wars.
Humanism and all the arts at once!
I applied. I was immediately credited with a Bachelor’s in Law and Med and accepted into the Master’s programme. It was an exciting immersion in drama, film history and theory, aesthetics, and even elements of business.
Why does a doctor need all this? Dramaturgy helped me to understand people differently. History and film theory showed me not “how to make a cool video” but why each art form appeared and how to convey its message. I use the knowledge in @buzaevclinic and life.
While studying, I didn’t feel there would be a graduation moment. I enjoyed a fabulous journey. Met wonderful people @ainmanaskar, @nimlana, @hansenalia, @violettaibatullina, @saitgulnara, @viacheslav_lozhkovoy. Creating with @ruslanvorotnikov, coached by @liliya_usmanova111, laughing overdrafts with @eledyaki, and eternally criticised by @anton_gutnik.
The work is based on Dad and Mum’s favorite proverb. I am grateful to @rezidagalimova and my son Michael. With them, it was easy to make the film.
And this is not a film about gadgets. It’s a film about you and me…