intelligence and
About Igor Buzaev
Co-founder of the MRgFUS non-invasive neurosurgery centre
Professor, Leader, Researcher, Medical Innovator
PhD, Doctor of Sciences, Manager with 14+ years experience, MFA, UK Global Talent
My mission
Everything I know and can do to heal and transform the world into a more humane one.
My Story
All my life, I have been working on the connection between different pieces of knowledge and skills. I am a Ph.D. and a Doctor of Science in medicine. I studied medicine, law, management, a little music, and tai-chi, I was working as a fitness trainer IT specialist, and I could even fly a light sports aircraft. When I graduated from medical university, my dad took holding my hands to teach me all motions and tricks in the cath lab operating room. He was a great artist in interventional cardiology, one of Russia’s pioneers in this field, a philosopher, and a teacher. Now I am co-founder of the first in Russia non-invasive incision-less MRGFUS neurosurgery center named after my father.
My focus
Medicine 90
Management 80
Research & IT 60
Teaching 50
ART 50
My Services
The magic of my unique bouquet of different skills
Twenty-one years of medical practice. Seventeen years in interventional cardiology. A unique experience in the implementation of new techniques. More than 15 local awards in medicine. 100% positive feedback on patient voting platforms. Doctor of Science in medicine.
IT and research
I have an experience in the design of new devices, mathematic modeling, R language, VBA, and SQL. I am an author of Hospital Information System.
I graduated lawyer degree in an academy of public management. I am a Lean six sigma black belt. My doctor of sciences thesis is about decision-making. The chief of the department for 11 years and the chief specialist in the Ministry of Healthcare for nine years. A co-founder, an enterprener and a CBDO for 5 years.
I am a Master of fine arts (Anaheim University, CA), and I am a director of an award-winning short film and a documentary.
I am a professor at Bashkir State Medical University. I have more than ten years of experience teaching the medical profession and organization of online education on a web platform. My subjects are interventional cardiology, data analysis, and medical professionalism.
Happy Patients
Years of Study
Years of experience
Awards Won
My Education
The main events
1985 - 1995
PhD degree. Thesis: Math models of hemodinamic and surgical management in chronic aneurisms of left ventricle
Management and Strategy Institute (USA), Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Professional
Doctor of Sciences in Medicine degree. Thesis: Decision making to choose method of revascularisation in CHD
Short Courses
Much can be learned in courses, albeit short but numerous.
2005 Netherlands, Arnhem, 3 days
Physicians Educational Program “Optimal pacing therapy”, Vitatron, Arnhem, Netherlands, certificate
2005 Sweden, Stockholm, 3 days
ESC Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, European Society of Cardiology (ESC), certificate
2006 Spain, Barcelona, 3 days
World Congress of Cardiology 2006, Barcelona, Spain, European Society of Cardiology (ESC), certificate
2008 Denmark, Copenhagen, 3 days
Meeting of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society in Copenhagen, Denmark, Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society, certificate
2008 UK, London, 3 days
Charing Cross Symposium, London, UK. , Biba Conferences, 44 Burlington Road, Fulham, London, SW6 4NX, certificate
2009 Spain, Sevilla, 1 month
One-month internship at the Virgen Macarena clinic in Seville, Spain
2009 USA, NY, 2 months
Observership at Montefiore children hospital, NY (Robert Pass), Columbia university children clinic (Julie Vincent), Cornell presbitterian hospital (Ajay Mirany)
2012 USA, LA, 3 days
31st IHRSA International convention & trade show in Los Angeles, California, USA
2012 Poland, Poznan, 2 weeks
Boston Scientific 2-week training on interventional cardiology for advanced practitioners
2012 Germany, Koln, 2 weeks
Two-week internship in hybrid surgery at the Heart Center of the University Hospital Cologne (Herzzentrum Uniklinik Köln) Uniklinik Köln Klinik und Poliklinik für Gefäßchirurgie Kerpener Str. 62, 50937 Köln
Bioresorbable vascular scaffolds and vascular reparative therapy (PCR Focus Group in Rotterdam)
2014 Germany, Frankfurt, 3 days
Vascular Skills (CardioSkills)
2014 USA, San Diego, 3 days
IHRSA (San-Diego)
2015 Korea, Seoul, 4 days
8th Imaging physiology summit
2016 Czech, Prague, 2 days
6th International Therapy and Technology Exchange Physician Program
2016 France, Paris, 2 days
Boston Scientific Lotus Valve implantation training
2016 Korea, Seoul, 4 days
2017 Belgium, Brusseles, 2 days
OCT in Stent Failure and Complex PCI
2017 Czech, Prague, 3 days
7th International Therapy and Technology Exchange Physician Program
2017 Korea, Seoul, 4 days
2018 USA, online, 2 weeks
Management and Strategy Institute Six Sigma Black Belt Professional
2019 Czech, Prague, 1 day
Prague RDN Workshop (26.02.2019) Medtronic
2019 Korea, Seoul, 4 days
2019 Korea, Seoul, 1 day
MRGFUS observership (professor Jin Woo Chang)
2020 Korea, Seoul (online), 4 days
2021 Korea, Seoul (online), 4 days,
2022 Korea, Seoul (online), 4 days
2006 Novosibirsk Research Institute of Circulatory Pathology named after Academician E.N. Meshalkin, interventional cardiology
2007 St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development, interventional cardiology
2008 Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Roszdrav, interventional cardiology
2009 Internal audits of the quality management system ISO 9001:2008, internal ISO auditor
2011 Bashkir Institute of Physical Education, fitness instructor, group programs
2013 Bashkir State Medical University (primary training functional diagnostics
2017 Bashkir State Medical University, modern IT solutions for education
2017 Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Roszdrav, interventional cardiology
2018 Management and Strategy Institute (USA) Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Professional

Work Experience
I can work in several areas at the same time
1997 - 2005
2000 - 2003
Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre, Medical Information Technologies department. IT-specialist.
Interventional cardiology experience
In interventional cardiology, I studied, introduced new things and taught followers
1. Structural interventions include peadiatric cases:
– TAVI (CorValve SOLO)
– ASD, VSD, PDA, PFO, fistulas closure
– Paravalvular leak closure (Occlutec PLD)
– Balloon valvuloplasty (CHD)
– Atrioseptostomia (CHD or ideopathic pulmonary hypertension)
– LAA closure
2. Coronary interventions:
– Complex PCI + CTO procedures
– Rotablator atherectomy
– Complex LM stenting
– Alcohol septal ablation
3. Peripheral interventions:
– Carotid artery stenting
– Embolisations
4. Pacemaker implantation (DDD)
5. Urgent:
– PCI in ACS
– trombectomy from intracranial arteries (limited experience)
6. Teaching
Trained more than twenty fellows, 5 of them are successful chiefs of departments
One of Russian level pioneers:
2009 – Radial Access
2011 – Optical Coherence Tomography
2012 – Intravascular Ultrasound
2012 – Fractional Flow Reserve
2012 – Rotablator
2013 – Absorb Scaffolds
2013 – Renal Denervation
2014 – Intracardiac Echo (Boston Sci UltraICE)
2014 – Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation TAVI
2017 – Paravalvular Leak Closure
2019 – Philips EchoNavigator hybrid visualisation modality
2019 – Philips HeartNavigator hybrid visualisation modality
My hospital’s position in official ratings in all Russia:
3rd – The number of coronary angiographies
3rd – The number of paravalvular leak closures
4th – The number of interventional treatments
5th – The total number of patients subjected to diagnostic
and therapeutic X-ray endovascular interventions
7th – The number of PCI
13th – Rushkind procedures number
13th – The number of alcohol ablations in hypertrophic CMP
5th – The amount of occluder closures in CHD
My Happy Patients
My team's patients during my management (2010-2021)
Years of Medical Practice
My team position in Russia (coronary angiographies) in 2020
I like data analysis, development of a new devices and a software
2015 China, Changchun
16th Cardiology Congress & 5th International Changbaishan Forum
OCT and ILAB IVUS intravascular imaging techniques in decision making during PCI scaffold implantation
VIP faculty, presenter
2015 China, Dalian
Dalian International Cardiovascular Forum & 2015 Annual Symposium of Dalian Cardiology Committee
OCT and ILAB IVUS intravascular imaging techniques in decision making during PCI scaffold implantation
VIP faculty, presenter
2015 Korea, Seoul
8th Imaging and Physiology Summit IPS-2015
2016 Korea, Seoul
Transcatheter Therapies Asia Pacific (TCTAP-2016)
UltraICE intracardiac Echo support in ASD closure
faculty of the year, presenter
2016 France, Paris
2016 China, Dalian
The 14th China Dalian International Cardiovascular Forum (DCIF)
Absorb bioresorbable scaffold implantation tricks using OCT visualisation support
VIP faculty, presenter
2016 China, Harbin
Sixth International Conference of heart diseases in cold climat zone Absorb bioresorbable scaffold implantation tricks using OCT visualisation support
VIP faculty, presenter
2017 China, Changchun
The 18th Scientific Annual Congress of Jilin Society of Cardiology by Cardiovascular centre, the Second Hospital of Jilin University
VIP faculty, presenter
2017 Korea, Seoul
Transcatheter Therapies Asia Pacific (TCTAP-2017)
faculty of the year, presenter
2018 China, Changchun
The 8th Changbai Mountains International Intervention Forum
Atrial Septum defect interventional creation or closure
VIP faculty, presenter
2018 China, Dalian
The 16th China Dalian International Cardiovascular Forum (DCIF)
Atrial Septum defect interventional creation or closure
VIP faculty, presenter
2019 China, Guangzhou
CSI Asia-Pacific 2019
Do it yourself: how to create a fenestrated ASD device in your catheter lab presenter
2019 Germany, Frankfurt
CSI Frankfurt 2019. Session: Challenging cases from Russia Non-standard use of foramen ovale in interventional procedures (O2 technique)
co-organizer of session, presenter
2019 China, Changchun
Northeast Asia Cardiology Forum. Ninth Changbai Mountain International Interventional Forum. 24 August 2019.
Modern Hybrid Visualisation modalities in cathlab
VIP faculty, presenter
2019 China, Dalian
17th International cardiovascular forum Dalian
Modern Hybrid Visualisation modalities in cathlab
VIP faculty, presenter
2019 Korea, Seoul
Transcatheter Therapies Asia Pacific (TCTAP-2019)
faculty of the year, panelist, presenter
2020 China, Dalian
ONLINE: The 18th Dalian International Cardiovascular Congress
Hybrid visualization modalities in structural heart diseases interventions
2020 Korea, Seoul
ONLINE: Transcatheter Therapies Asia Pacific (TCTAP)
faculty of the year, panelist, presenter
2021 Korea, Seoul
ONLINE: Transcatheter Therapies Asia Pacific (TCTAP)
faculty of the year, panelist, presenter
2022 China, Changchun
ONLINE: Jilin University Cardiovascular Disease international forum
Transcatheter Antegrade Stent-Assisted Coil Occlusion Technique
2022 Korea, Seoul
ONLINE: Transcatheter Therapies Asia Pacific (TCTAP)
Real-Time Hybrid Visualization Modality Combining Fluoroscopy and Segmented CT-Scan Facilitates Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage closure Procedure
faculty of the year, panelist, presenter
1997-1998 Student project Polygraph-PC interface developent (leader, programming driver) Assembler, VB
1999-2001 Student Clinical Science (pediatric surgery) Statsoft Statistica
2001-2007 PhD research. Math modelling of haemodinamic changes after aneurism plasty Statsoft Statistica
2003-2018 Hospital Information System (leader, designer, task manager, programmer) MS Access, MS SQL Server
2008-2018 DSci research. Decision making and decision support systems in cardiosurgery Statsoft Statistica, Mathlab, Self made analytic tools
2017-2018 Fatigue strength of coronary stents
2017-2022 Systolic Twist of left Ventricle with coronary angiography (teammember)
2020-2022 MRI guided Focused Ultrasound treatment of movement disorders clinical research R-language
Mathematic models
2006 | Plechev, V. V., Buzaev, I. V., Yuldybaev, L. Kh., Buzaev, V. S., Nagaev, I. A., & Galimov, R. M. (2006). A method for predicting end diastolic and stroke volumes and choosing the method of left ventricular plasty in postinfarction aneurysms of the heart. |
2007 | Plechev, V. V., Buzaev, I. V., Buzaev, V. S., Nagaev, I. A., Galimov, R. M., & Selivanov, K. S. (2007). Method for Assessing the Function of the Left Atrium When Probing the Heart Cavities in Patients With Postinfarction Large Focal Cardiosclerosis |
2007 | Galimova, R. M., Buzaev, I. V., Gumerov, A. A., Timershin, A. G., & Zinenko, D. Yu. (2007). Method for Predicting Intraventricular Pressure and Its Dynamics in the Brain Ventricular System |
2008 | Gantsev, Sh. H., Munasypov, F. R., Adigamova, A. R., & Buzaev, I. V. (2008). Model of Postoperative survival of patients with gastric cancer depending on T, N, M criteria. |
2008 | Kachemaeva, O. V., Buzaev, I. V., & Borisova, N. A. (2008). Method for Predicting the Outcome of the Acute Period of Stroke. |
2020 | Nikolaeva I.E. , Plechev V.V., Buzaev I.V., Aminov T.Z., Risberg R.Yu., Yuldybaev L.Kh. (2020). Method for Choosing the Diameter of the Interatrial Communication in the Operation of Atrioseptostomy in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension |
Development of devices
1997 | Poligraph-PC interface |
2016 | Participation in development LePu MEMOPART TT PFO device (E. Onorato) |
2018 | Strength measurement of miocardial bridge |
2018 | Fatigue strength measurement of coronary stents in miocardial bridge segment |
2018 | Fenestrated Occulder for Ideopathic Pulmonary Hypertension |
The author of original techniques: | |
2016 | Combined Femoral-Radial Route (CFRR) for complicated carotid stenting Buzaev, I. V., Plechev, V. V., Nikolaeva, I. E., & Zagitov, I. G. (2016). TCTAP C-187 Challenging Anatomy Carotid Artery Angioplasty Combined Femoral-Radial Route (CFRR). Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67(16S), S322-S323. |
2017 | Transseptal Approach for Aortic Balloon Valvuloplasty in Newborn with Critical Aortic Stenosis Buzaev, I. V., Plechev, V. V., Nikolaeva, I. E., Onegov, D. V., Sharafutdinov, A. R., Halikova, G. A., … & Galimova, R. (2017). TCTAP C-269 Transseptal Approach for Aortic Balloon Valvuloplasty in Newborn with Critical Aortic Stenosis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 69(16S), S361-S362. |
2018 | Atrial Septum Fenestration for Patient with Idiopathic Pulmonary Artery Hypertension Aminov, T., Nikolaeva, I. E., Plechev, V. V., Buzaev, I. V., Oleynik, B. A., Onorato, E. M., … & Khalikova, G. (2018). TCTAP C-207 Atrial Septum Fenestration for Patient with Idiopathic Pulmonary Artery Hypertension. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 71(16S), S277-S278. |
2021 | Coronary-chamber fistulas closure (Buzaev, I. V., Plechev, V. V., Khalikova, G., Khabirova, K., Nikolaeva, I. E., & Onorato, E. M. (2021). Case Report: Coil Occlusion of Two Congenital Coronary Cameral Fistulas Connecting Right and Left Circumflex Arteries to the Right Ventricle: An Innovative Stent-Assisted Technique. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 8) |
MRGFUS period publications | |
2022 | Galimova, R. M., Nabiullina, D. I., Illarioshkin, S. N., Safin, S. M., Sidorova, Y. A., Akhmadeeva, G. N., … & Buzaev, I. V. (2022). First use of MRI-guided focused ultrasound to treat patients with essential tremor in Russia. Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology, 16(2), 5-14. |
2022 | Mukhamadeeva, N. R., Kachemaeva, O. V., Buzaev, I. V., Galimova, R. M., Yusupova, I. I., Zagidullin, Sh. Z., & Zagidullin, N. Sh. ( 2022). Serum biomarkers in brain injury. Nervous Diseases, (1), 3-10. |
Interventional cardiology | |
2016 | Zagitov, I. G., Plechev, V. V., Nikolaeva, I. E., & Buzaev, I. V. (2016). TCTAP A-090 Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds Implantation Technique Utilizing Invasive Imaging with Optical Coherence Tomography. Influence on Clinical Outcome. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67(16S), S42-S43. |
2016 | Buzaev, I. V., Plechev, V. V., Nikolaeva, I. E., & Zagitov, I. G. (2016). TCTAP C-187 Challenging Anatomy Carotid Artery Angioplasty Combined Femoral-Radial Route (CFRR). Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67(16S), S322-S323. |
2017 | Buzaev, I. V., Plechev, V. V., Nikolaeva, I. E., Yamanayeva, I. E., Onorato, E. M., & Surkov, V. A. (2017). TCTAP A-077 Intracardiac Ultrasound Assistance Method in ASD Closure Procedure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 69(16S), S43-S44. |
2018 | Aminov, T., Nikolaeva, I. E., Plechev, V. V., Buzaev, I. V., Oleynik, B. A., Onorato, E. M., … & Khalikova, G. (2018). TCTAP C-207 Atrial Septum Fenestration for Patient with Idiopathic Pulmonary Artery Hypertension. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 71(16S), S277-S278. |
2018 | Plechev, V. V., Sagatdinov, T., Buzaev, I. V., & Risberg, R. (2018). TCTAP A-069 Assessment of Coronary Stents Strength with the Recreated Model of Myocardial Bridge. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 71(16S), S40-S40. |
2019 | Usmanova, L. Z., Osiev, A. G., Nikolaeva, I. E., Buzaev, I. V., & Yuldybaev, L. K. (2019). TCTAP A-085 Systolic Twist of the Heart in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy vs. Patients Without Heart Failure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73(15S), S44-S45. |
2019 | Sokolov, S. V., Nikolaeva, I. E., Plechev, V. V., Oleynik, B. A., Dmitriev, I. V., & Buzaev, I. V. (2019). TCTAP A-023 Large-diameter Coronary Artery Stenting. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73(15S), S12-S13. |
2021 | Buzaev, I. V., Khalikova, G., Plechev, V. V., & Onorato, E. M. (2021). EchoNavigator® technology facilitates transapical mitral paravalvular leak closure: A case report. European Heart Journal-Case Reports, 5(6), ytab190.) |
2021 | Mukhamadeeva, N., Gareeva, D., Pavlov, V., Buzaev, I. V., Krekotin, D., Onegov, D. V., … & Zagidullin, N. (2021). TCTAP C-099 Clinical Case of Asymptomatic Cardiac Subepicardial Interventricular Lipoma. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77(14_Supplement), S215-S216. |
2021 | Sokolov, S. V., Nikolaeva, I. E., Plechev, V. V., Enikeeva, A., Dmitriev, I., & Buzaev, I. V. (2021). TCTAP C-085 Embolization of the Arteries of the Lower Jaw with Massive Bleeding from the Aneurysmal Bone Cyst. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77(14_Supplement), S187-S188. |
2022 | Onorato, E. M., Alamanni, F., Muratori, M., Smolka, G., Wojakowski, W., Pysz, P., … & Bartorelli, A. L. (2022). Safety, Efficacy and Long-Term Outcomes of Patients Treated with the Occlutech Paravalvular Leak Device for Significant Paravalvular Regurgitation. Journal of clinical medicine, 11(7), 1978. |
2022 | Buzaev, I. V., Aminov, T., Plechev, V., Nikolaeva, I. E., Zagidullin, N., & Onorato, E. M. (2022). TCTAP C-165 Real-Time Hybrid Visualization Modality Combining Fluoroscopy and Segmented CT-Scan Facilitates Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Closure Procedure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 79(15_Supplement), S384-S386. |
2022 | Zavialov, K., Plechev, V., Ishmetov, V., Buzaev, I. V., & Yunusov, V. (2022). TCTAP C-032 Biplane Angiographic Visualization System Helps in PCI Procedure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 79(15_Supplement), S122-S123. |
IT-publications | |
2016 | Buzaev IV, Plechev VV, Nikolaeva IE, Galimova RM. Artificial intelligence: Neural network model as the multidisciplinary team member in clinical decision support to avoid medical mistakes. Chronic Dis Transl Med. 2016.doi:10.1016/j.cdtm.2016.09.007. |
2017 | Buzaev IV, Plechev VV, Nikolaeva IE, Galimova R. TCTAP A-048 Neural Network Model as the Multidisciplinary Team Member in Clinical Decision Support to Avoid Medical Mistakes (aLYNX concept). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;69 (16, Supplement):S25-S26. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2017.03 .076. |
2019 | Galimova, R. M., Buzaev, I. V., Ramilevich, K. A., Yuldybaev, L. K., & Shaykhulova, A. F. (2019). Artificial intelligence—Developments in medicine in the last two years. Chronic diseases and translational medicine, 5(1), 64. |
Сertificate of official registration of the computer software | |
2003 | Certificate No. 2004610140 Russian Federation. Osteon Software Hospital certificate of official registration of the computer program / I.V. Buzaev. – No. 2003612329; dec. 11/11/2003; registered 01/05/2004. – 1 s. |
2005 | Certificate No. 2005610296 Russian Federation. Hospital PRO certificate of registration of the computer program / I.V. Buzaev, K.S. Selivanov. – No. 2004612533; dec. December 9, 2004; registered 04.02.2005. – 1 s. |
2011 | Certificate No. 2012613601 Russian Federation. Console (journal of vascular interventions) certificate of registration of the computer program / I.V. Buzaev. – No. 20111660101; dec. 12/26/2011; registered 04/17/2012. – 1 s. |
2012 | Certificate No. 2012613602 Russian Federation. Ateroklient certificate of registration of the computer program / A.F. Akhmetshina, I.V. Buzaev. – No. 20111660102; dec. 12/26/2011; registered 04/17/2012. – 1 s. |
2013 | Certificate No. 2013619040 Russian Federation. Online system of dispensary observation for the Republican Cardiological Dispensary certificate of registration of the computer program / I.V. Buzaev. – No. 2013612609; dec. 03/29/2013; registered 09/24/2013. – 1 s. |
2015 | Certificate No. 2015614532 Russian Federation. Calculation of the parameters of the Markov chain certificate of registration of the computer program / I.V. Buzaev. – No. 2015611180: Appl. 02/25/2015; registered 04/20/2015. – 1 s. |
1997 – Driver for Poligraph to PC PCI adaptor (assembler)
2004 – Registration of my Hospital Information System
2005 – Second generation of a Hospital Information System (SQL)
2012 – “Atheroclient” – follow-up system
2013 – Registration of SaaS online follow-up system
2018 – Corguard IOS follow-up of patient application in Appstore
2020 – First in the world telemedical remote proctored launch of MRGFUS
Fellows trained
fellows become a department chiefs
presentations on international conferences
Years of teaching experience
The art of touching heart
Contact me
An email or whatsapp message are prefered
2th floor, 17/4, Zorge street, Ufa, Russia, 450059
Call me: